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With Manish Wadhwa, Ashish Sharma, Rishiraj Pawar, Tarun Khanna. An Indian historical drama based on the life of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the major Indian Emperors of ancient India. 旃陀罗笈多(zhān tuó luó jí duō),又译月护王,印度孔雀王朝第一任君主(公元前324—300年在位),出身于刹帝利(一说首陀罗)种姓。 Chandragupta Maurya (c. 321 - c. 297 BCE), known as Sandrakottos (or Sandrokottos) to the Greeks, was the founder of the Maurya Dynasty (4th-2nd century BCE) and is credited with the setting up of the first (nearly) pan-Indian empire. )的旃陀罗笈多.孔雀(Chandragupta Maurya,公元前340-公元前297年,公元前321-公元前297年在位)攻下摩揭陀国的首都华氏城(今巴特那Patna),自立为王,并创建孔雀帝国(Maurya Empire),他因家族饲养孔雀而得名。之后旃陀罗笈多又继续攻城掠地、开疆拓土。 Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Mauryan Empire in old India. Destined to a modest foundation, he was educated and guided by Chanakya who had an extraordinary impact on the arrangement of his domain. Together, Chandragupta and Chanakya assembled probably the biggest domain on the Indian subcontinent.

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)的旃陀罗笈多.孔雀(Chandragupta Maurya,公元前340-公元前297年,公元前321-公元前297年在位)攻下摩揭陀国的首都华氏城(今巴特那Patna),自立为王,并创建孔雀帝国(Maurya Empire),他因家族饲养孔雀而得名。之后旃陀罗笈多又继续攻城掠地、开疆拓土。 Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Mauryan Empire in old India. Destined to a modest foundation, he was educated and guided by Chanakya who had an extraordinary impact on the arrangement of his domain. Together, Chandragupta and Chanakya assembled probably the biggest domain on the Indian subcontinent. Saurabh Raaj Jain in Chandragupta Maurya .Tellychakkar .2018年9月22日 [引用日期2019-02-08] 24. 13th Indian Telly Awards: Vote Appeal from Saurabh Raaj Jain for the Best Actor in a Lead Role category .Tellychakkar .2014年8月27日 [引用日期2019-02-13] 25. Chitralekha (1964) 免费在线观看 - 完整的电影 - 高清 - 中文 - When Aryaputra Samant Bijgupt ignores Yashodhara and continues to frequent Rajnartaki Chitralekha, Yashodhara's father, Mrityunjay, approaches celibate Yogi Kumargiri, who reprimands Chitralekha and asks her to free Bijgupt so that he can marry and sire a heir. Chandragupta Maurya (reign: 321–297 BCE) was the founder of the Maurya Empire in ancient India. He was taught and counselled by the philosopher Chanakya, who had great influence in the formation of his empire. Together, Chandragupta and Chanakya built one of the largest empires on the Indian subcontinent. Chandragupta's life and Aśoka (2001) 免费在线观看 - 完整的电影 - 高清 - 中文 - This documentary by Craig and Damon Foster focuses on the surviving San bushmen in the central Kalahari. 17 sept. 2020 - vinmab - Vos films et séries préférés sont avec vinmab. Consultez notre catalogue de films gratuits, votre prochain voyage est ici.


See full list on Chitralekha (1964) 免费在线观看 - 完整的电影 - 高清 - 中文 - When Aryaputra Samant Bijgupt ignores Yashodhara and continues to frequent Rajnartaki Chitralekha, Yashodhara's father, Mrityunjay, approaches celibate Yogi Kumargiri, who reprimands Chitralekha and asks her to free Bijgupt so that he can marry and sire a heir.

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印度电影《阿育王》Ashoka高清中文字幕 - 360doc个人图书馆

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